Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Inspired by Rossi

To all of you who don't know me......
How ya doing. I'm JQ. There glad we got that out of the way. So I have a friend. I know shocking isn't it. Anyways, I haven't known him very long, don't know him very well, but felt oddly inspired by him. We'll call him "Rossi". Anyways Rossi is way out there. Constantly just saying whatever the fuck comes to his mind. I'm not really that way (unless I've had several beers), so I find his attitude, antics, and demeanour to be pretty damn amusing. In fact I found it to be inspiring. So Rossi this first "blog" and I have no fucking idea what that means, is dedicated to you. I find that when I write my brain seems less crowded. Now for those who do know me, you must be saying "he's so fucking dumb. What on earth could be filling his head?" Well I'll answer that right now. Absolutely nothing. Pretty much just random crap that I feel if I actually shared with anyone face to face, would kick me in the balls, or punch me in the balls if you're a Jew :) and you know who you are, or do a Hollywood style drink in the face sort of thing. Truthfully, I've always wanted that to happen for some crazy ass reason. So instead I'll share this total non-sense with the rest of the world....or the 2 or 3 poor bastards that manages to stumble upon this page at 4 a.m. after a 2 days Absinthe drinking binge. But to those poor bastards.....tell your friends. So I'm sure of all the "blogs" out there in the world mine is by far the most unimpressive piece of boring shit out there. And I'm totally okay with that. I've got several nerdy friends who WILL stumble upon this by pure accident, immediately identify me, and tell me how to upgrade it. Then I will go over to their house, drink their beer, sit on their couch, while they do their computer thing and make this one of the best "blogs" on the Internet the world has ever seen. I've got some pretty kick ass friends. So I'll cut off the ramblings there and just say thank you. Thank you Rossi for the inspiration to empty my head a little bit. Thank you to my friends, especially the ones that will eventually make this a blog worth looking at. And of course God for giving me this talent.........fuck me silly I hate when people bring God into whatever the fuck. Unless you're at church. Then I feel it's mildly appropriate. Cheers Mates


1 comment:

Jeremy said...

And el JQ is officially the coolest.