Thursday, May 1, 2008

The Friend That Always Lets You Down

You're Dialed In with JQ

Do you have that one friend who you is constantly letting you down? You know. The kinda friend were you are always the one making the effort. Driving to where they live, buying their drinks because they "forgot" their wallet at home, driving them home because they got too drunk. That sort of thing?

Well, I have a friend like that. In fact he's one of my best friends. But all in all, I'd have to call him a real son of a bitch. Well, he's been a real ass hole this week. I sent him an emergency text message last night. He never responded. And let me tell you it was really important. He could have really helped me out of a social jam. Instead, he hung me out to dry. He might as well have given me a "dirty sanchez" to top it off.

So to that dear, dear friend of mine, and yes Jeremy I'm talking about you, all I have to say is.........

Stay Dialed In

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