Monday, May 19, 2008

The List

You're Dialed In with JQ


first of all I got a couple cool things for you.
1.) You gotta check out Kevin Smiths blog (attached to my reader). He's funny shit
2.) How the hell are you doing?
3.) I don't think that I'm heading up near the Fort this weekend. For a couple of different reasons, but mainly a $ thing.
4.) I hate the $ thing

6.) See #5
7.) Holy shit what did you think of BSG? Please tell me that you're caught up. I know you can watch it on-line already so you better have fucking watched it.
8.) The thing that blows, 2 weeks before a new BSG.
9.) Who do you think the 5th cylon is?
10.) I've narrowed it down to Starbuck, The Prez, Lt. Gayda (not sure if that's how you spell his name but the guy who had his leg chopped off), Baltar, & your mama. Oh Burn. Bet you didn't see that one coming.
11.) How's LOST coming. Oh that's right. You're a total lame ass.
12.) I'm gonna ask your mom to marry me. Oh burn twice in one email. Holy Shit.
13.) I think we should corner the market on "I farted in your cereal" T-shirts. Another JQ classic.
14.) Can you believe I made it to 14?
15.) See 14 but add 1
16.) New Indy movie this week. What's your prognosis?
17.) New Batman trailer kicks balls
18.) "You never go ass to mouth" is my gmail chat custom message
19.) That's from Clerks II, which if you haven't seen it gets better every time you watch it.
20.) I'm just killing time. I feel that I've a.) done enough work today b.) done enough work to feel that I should go home c.) and done enough work today to goof off writing a bull shit email to you while having my ass handed to me in hearts by the fucking computer.

21.) I put you to the test to try and come up with a list of 20 things that I'm sure that I won't care about.



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